Registration Form

Fill-in ALL the fields in this form, review your information for accuracy, and click on Register. Then wait.

Your registration will be reviewed and activated by one of our volunteer webmasters. Please be patient. You will receive an email when your account is activated.

All of this is required PRIOR TO logging in and paying for Membership in the SCOV Pickleball Club.

Make note of the email address you enter. You will need to use it later to login.

Please use your First and Last names concatenated with no space between ( E.G. WilliamBlake )

Make note of the password you enter. You will need to use it later to login. If unsure, retype it.

You MUST provide your SCOV address to join the pickleball club.

xxx-yyy-zzzz If you have no landline, please enter your mobile number here.

Yes, no, don't know